Kay-Cel™ Insulation Products

"The New Generation of EPS Insulation"

Kay-Cel Plus & Kay-Cel Super-Plus

Both Kay-Cel Plus and Kay-Cel Super-Plus Insulation products, enable designers to minimise the amount of insulation required to meet the thermal reqirements of the building regulations.

Kay-Cel Plus is a White material with a thermal conductivity of 0.033 W/mK

Kay-Cel Super-Plus is Black / Grey material with a thermal conductivity of 0.030 W/mk

Kay-Cel Plus is manufactured from lightweight expanded polystyrene material closed cell block. This gives a higher thermal performance than normal EPS. This material is robust enough to be used above concrete slab / beam and block floors or beneath the ground bearing slab.

It can also be used equally well in cavity wall applications.

Kay-Cel Plus & Kay-Cel Super-Plus are rigid insulation panels, manufactured from lightweight closed cell expanded polystyrene. They are intended for use on both ground supported and suspended concrete floors. It is also suitable as a rigid insulation board fitted between joists in suspended timber floors.

Kay-Cel Plus & Kay-Cel Super-Plus are available in flooring and cavity size sheets. Standard flooring size is 2400mm x 1200mm and are available in a wide range of thicknesses. Special sizes are available upon request.

Kay-Cel Plus & Kay-Cel Super-Plus were introduced to assist builders meet the ever increasing thermal insulation requirements of the Building Regulations throughout the UK.

Environmental Integrity

Both Kay-Cel Plus & Super-Plus are dimensionally stable products which are resistant to the attack form bacteria, moulds, and fungi and will not provide nutriant value for insects or vermin.

They non-toxic and non-irritant. Kay-Cel Plus & Super-Plus panels have zero ODP as they are manufactured without the use of CFCs or HCFCs which could contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer. The high level of insulation provided by the insulation panels make a positive contrubtion to the reduction in Co2 emissions to the atmosphere by reducing the amount of fossil fule required to heat buildings.