Flooring insulation

Kay-Metzeler Ltd produce a number of different flooring insulation panels, Kay-Cel Super-Plus and Kay-Cel Plus are both premium product which have superior insulation properties, 0.033 & 0.030 W/mk respectively.

The range of flooring insulation contains the more commonly known EPS 70, EPS 100......up to EPS 500 (See Technical page for details).

All Kay-Cel flooring panels are delivered to site wrapped in polythene. The panels should be stored in the original wrapping, under cover and protected from direct sunlight. Panels should be kept above ground level and out of contact with solvents and materials containing volatile organic compounds such as coal tar, pitch or timber recently treated with creosote.

Do not expose to naked flame or other ignition sources during storage or installation.

Ensure that the concrete sub-floor or suspended concrete floor is dry, smooth and level to within 5mm when measured with a 3m straight edge. Minor irregularities up to 10mm may be levelled with a motor levelling screed. Irregularities greater than this must be removed.

Where possible, electrical conduits, gas and water pipes or other services should be contained within ducts or channels within the concrete slab. Where this is not possible, the services may be accommodated within the thickness of the floor insulation provided they are securely fixed to the concrete slab. Water pipes must be pre-lagged with proprietary material and the floor insulation must be cut back to maintain at least 5mm clear air space between any insulated hot pipes.

For floors incorporating chipboard overlays, where access to the services is desirable, a duct may be formed by mechanically fixing to the floor timber bearers of the same thickness as the insulation to provide support for a chipboard cover. The duct should be as narrow as possible and not exceed the maximum chipboard spans recommended in BS7916:1998.

Any PVC sheathed cable should be run in conduit. The Kay-Cel Plus panels should be cut with a sharp knife to fit accurately around the services.

The Advantages of Kay-Cel Super-Plus & Plus

  • Offers a range of solutions to the new building regulations
  • Easy to handle and cut
  • Thinner boards
  • Long lasting efficient thermal insulation which will remain effective for the life of the building. Performance does not deteriorate with age
  • British Board of Agreement certification on partial fill cavity and flooring insulation
  • Simple to install without the need of special tools
  • 100% recyclable
  • Cost effective
  • Completely CFC and HCFC free
  • Thermal Value of 0.030 & 0.033 W/mK