
HSE guidance document fire retardant grade EPS foam,
Expanded Polystyrene foam (EPS), Fire Retardant Grade
Date of 1st issue: November 1998
Revision (number and date) 04 published December 2008
The information in this document can be made available to all who handle the product.
1. Identification of the substance and of the company
1.1 Identification of the substance
Product Name: EPS70E / EPS100E / EPS150E / EPS200E / EPS250E / EPS300E / EPS350E / EPS400E / EPS500E
Loose Polystyrene Bead (in Bags)
Product Code: EUMEPS 01 FR (-SE)
Product Type: Thermoplastic
1.2 Use of the substance
The substance is used as an insulation / building material in construction works / road construction and as packaging material.
1.3 Manufacturer / Supplier Identification (should be the person that places it on the Market)
Name: Kay-Metzeler Ltd
Address: Brook Street, Chelmsford
Essex CM1 1UQ
Phone number: 01245 342100
E-mail address:
Web Site:
1.4 Emergency telephone
Manufacturer/Supplier: 01245 342100 (during office hours)
2. Hazards identification
Human health hazards: No specific hazards
Safety hazards: Freshly moulded EPS releases residual pentane which may
form explosive vapour-air mixtures in confined spaces, e.g.
during transport and in storage.
Environmental hazards: No specific hazards.
3. Composition/information on ingredients
Name: Expanded Polystyrene
Synonyms: EPS, poly (phenylethene)
CAS-number for polymer component (>=97 wt-%) =
9003-53-6 (polystyrene)
Dangerous components CAS number Content range EC no. EC hazard R-phrases
Pentane 109-66-0 and < 2 wt.-% F R11
Hexabromocyclododecane 25637-99-4 0,5 -1,0 % (w/w) 247-148-4 N 50/53
or 3194-55-6 or 221-695-9
Mixed isomers 78-78-4
Other information:
4. First Aid Measures
Symptoms and effects: None
First Aid – Inhalation: No specific measures
First Aid – Skin: No specific measures
First Aid – Eye: No specific measures
First Aid – Ingestion: No specific measures
Advice to First-Aiders: Treat symptomatically
5. Fire-fighting Measures
Specific hazards: Combustible, but will not sustain spread of fire after removal of
ignition source. Combustion products include carbon
monoxide, carbon dioxide. Smoke , which may reduce
visibility, and traces of styrene may also be released.
Extinguishing media: Foam, water spray or fog
Dry chemical powder, carbon dioxide, sand or earth may be
used for small fires
Unsuitable extinguishing media: Water in a jet
Protective equipment: Full protective clothing and self-contained breathing apparatus
Other information: Keep adjacent products cool by spraying water.
6. Accidental release measures
Not applicable
7. Handling and Storage
7.1 Handling
Handling: Keep away from ignition sources e.g. naked flames or sparks
In case of hot work being necessary: keep fire extinguisher at hand
No smoking
Do not breathe fumes or vapours from heated product.
Use local exhaust ventilation over hot-wire cutting area
Avoid generation or accumulation of dusts
All equipment to be earthed
Handling temperatures: Ambient
7.2 Storage
Storage; Keep away from sources of heat or ignition
(see also section 10).
Keep away from organic solvents
Storage temperature: Less than 85°C
Product transfer: See handling
7.3 Specific use(s)
Not applicable
8. Exposure controls /Personal protection
8.1 Exposure Limit Values
Exposure Limit Values: Non established
8.2 Exposure controls
Occupational exposure controls : None established
Respiratory protection: No specific measures
Hand protection: No specific measures
Eye protection: No specific measures
Skin protection: Standard issue work clothes
Safety shoes or boots
Environmental exposure controls: none established
9. Physical and Chemical Properties
9.1 General information
Physical state: Rigid foam with a closed cellular structure
Form: Block, Board or moulded product, consisting of small fused
spherical foamed beads
Density: circa 8 – 60 kg/m3 at 20°C
Odour: None
9.2 Important health, safety and environmental information
pH: neutral
Boiling point: none
Flash point: 370°C (based on no residual pentane)
Flammability: Euroclass E
Explosion limit – upper: 7,8% (v/v) based on residual pentane)
Explosion limit – lower: 1, 3% (v/v) based on residual pentane)
Oxidising properties: none
Vapour pressure: not relevant
Relative density: circa 8 – 60 kg/m m3 at 20°C
Solubility: Soluble in aromatics and halogenated solvents and ketones
Water solubility: Insoluble
Partition coefficient n-octanol/water: not relevant
Viscosity: not relevant
Vapour density: None
Evaporation rate: None
9.3 Other information
Softening point: 85 – 100°C
Auto-ignition temperature: 450°C
10. Stability and Reactivity
The product is stable and not reactive in normal use, storage and handling conditions.
10.1 Conditions to avoid
Conditions to avoid: Heat above 100º C, flames, sparks and direct contact with
electrical cables
10.2 Materials to avoid
Materials to avoid: Avoid contact with aromatics and halogenated solvents and
Toxicological information
Basis for assessment: Information given is based on knowledge of the constituents
and the toxicology of similar substances
Acute toxicity – oral: None
Acute toxicity– dermal: None
Acute toxicity– inhalation: Thermal decomposition at high temperatures, e.g. hot wire
cutting, may result in the release of styrene in which case the
Occupational Exposure limit for styrene should be taken into
account (e.g. hot wire cutting)
Eye irritation: Not expected to be irritating
Skin irritation: Not expected to be irritating
Skin sensitisation: Not expected to be a skin sensitizer
Human effects: None
Ecological information
Basis for assessment: Information given is based on knowledge of the constituents
and the ecotoxicology of similar substances
12.1 Ecotoxicity
Sewage treatment: Not dangerous
12.2 Mobility
Mobility: Floats on water.
12.3 Persistence and degradability
Persistence and degradability: Not inherently biodegradable
12.4 Bio accumulative potential
Bioaccumulation: Does not bioaccumulate
12.5 Results of PBT assessment
This product contains a substance, HBCD, which is classified as dangerous for the environment. However recent studies on aquatic organisms have shown that articles such as PS foams, while containing this substance, do not need to be classified for environmental hazard.
12.6 Other information
Small EPS particles may have physical effects on aquatic and terrestrial organisms
Typical EPS particles pass through the digestive systems of animals chemically unchanged.
Disposal considerations
Precautions: None
Waste disposal: Recover or recycle, if possible.
Otherwise incineration in a state-of-the-art waste incinerator or
licensed landfill.
Product disposal: Recover or recycle, if possible.
Otherwise incineration in an appropriate waste incinerator or
licensed landfill.
Packaging disposal: Remove all packaging for recovery or waste disposal.
Local legislation: Not classified as chemical waste.
Transport Information
General information: Not classified under international / national regulations for
road / maritime / air transport and inland navigation.
Shipping name: Not applicable
Local regulations:
Other information: Packages must be marked “Keep away from sources of
ignition”. Hazard symbol not legally required for sea transport.
Regulatory information:
EC label name: -
EC classification: -
EC symbols: -
EC risk phrases: In use may form flammable/explosive vapour-air mixture,
based on residual pentane.
EC-safety phrase: -
EINICS (EC): All components are listed or are polymer exempt.
REACH, (EC) No 1907/2006: This product is an Article.
This product contains Hexabromocyclododecane above 0.1% (w/w) listed in the Candidate list for Authorisation established in accordance with article 59.1.
MITI (Japan): All components are listed.
TSCA (USA): All components are listed.
AICS(Australia): All components are listed.
DSL(Canada) : All components are listed.
National legislation: -
Other information
Uses and restrictions: The substance is used as a isolation/building material in
construction works / road construction.
For further information, contact:
Av. E. van Nieuwenhuyse 4/3
B- 1160 Brussels
Telephone : +32 2 7927522
Email :
VAT reg. no. BE453127976
International/non-profit association
Disclaimer: This information is based on our current knowledge and is intended to describe the product for the purpose of health, safety and environmental requirements only. It should not therefore be considered as guarantee for a specific property of the product.